Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : V. Duval, Analyse fonctionnelle, 27h équivalent TD, niveau L3, INSA Rouen-Normandie

  • Master : G. Peyré, Master 2 MVA on imaging and machine learning (Cachan) 30h.

  • Licence : F-X. Vialard, Algèbre linéaire 2, Université Paris-Dauphine, 30h.


  • Internship : Gwendoline de Bie did her master internship (2nd year at ENSAE Paris-Tech) with G. Carlier on Entropic regularization for multivariate quantile regresssion,

  • Internship : Christine Durok Une méthode itérative pour le probléme inverse du réflecteur discret J-D. Benamou Q. Mérigot

  • PhD in progress: Julien André, CIFRE PhD thesis with with the company OPTIS Grenoble-INP (co-supervision D. Attali, B. Thibert, Q. Mérigot)

  • PhD in progress : Jocelyn Meyron, Extension of semi-discrete Optimal transport to other costs, lED de Grenoble, Q. Mérigot, D. Attali and B. Thibert.

  • PhD in progress : Miao Yu, Optimal Transport distances and Geophyscial imaging J-D. Benamou (co-direction J.-P. Vilotte, IPGP).

  • PhD in progress : Paul Catala, Low-rank approaches for off-the-grid superresolution, October 2016, G. Peyré and V. Duval.

  • PhD in progress : Lenaic Chizat, Unbalanced Optimal Transport , october 2014, F-X. Vialard and G. Peyré.

  • PhD in progress : Aude Genevay, Optimal Transport for Machine Learning , october 2015, J-D. Benamou and G. Peyré.

  • PhD in progress : Quentin Denoyelle, Off-the-grid super-resolution: theory, algorithms and applications in fluorescence imaging, October 2014, G. Peyré and V. Duval.

  • Postdoc completed: Dario Prandi, sub-Riemannian model for imaging, Oct. 2015 – Aug. 2016, G. Peyré and J-M Mirebeau

  • Postdoc completed: Thomas Gallouèt, Fluid model and optimal transport, Oct. 2015 – Aug. 2016, Q. Mérigot and Yann Brenier.

  • Postdoc in progress: Roman Andreev, Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games , Mai 2015, Yves Achdou and J-D. Benamou.

  • PhD completed: Luca Nenna, Numerical Methods for Multi-Marginal Optimal Transportation, October 2013-December 2016, J-D. Benamou and G. Carlier.

  • PhD completed: Maxime Laborde, Systemes de particules en interaction, approche par flot de gradient dans l'espace de Wasserstein, september 2013-December 2016, G. Carlier.

  • PhD in progress: Jonathan Vacher, Machine learning approaches for neurosciences of the visual brain, October 2013-Jan 2017, G. Peyré and C. Monier.

  • Postdoc completed: Bernhard Schmitzer, fast algorithms for optimal transport, Oct. 2014-August 2016, G. Peyré.

  • Postdoc completed: Clarice Poon, Support recovery using total variation and others sparse priors, September 2015-August 2016, G. Peyré and V. Duval.


Vincent Duval was in the PhD comittee of Romain Hug (Grenoble, December, 9).

J-D. Benamou and G. Carlier were in the PhD comittee of Mathieu Laurière (Paris-Diderot, November 21), G. Carlier was on the Ph.D comittee of Guo (Ecole Polytechnique) and the HDR of Silva (Limoges, referee) and Lamboley (Dauphine, coordinateur). G. Peyré was in the PhD comittees of: Mitra Fatemi (EPFL, Feb. 2016), Morgane Henry (Grenoble, Mars 2016), Antoine Bonnefoy (Marseille, Mars 2016), Sébastien Combrexelle (Toulouse, Oct. 2016), Augustin Cosse (UCL, Aout 2016), Irène Kaltenmark (ENS Cachan, Oct. 2016), Olivia Miraucourt (Reims, Oct. 2016), Fred Maurice Ngole (CEA, Oct. 2016), Lara Raad (ENS Cachan, Oct. 2016), Emmanuel Soubies (Nice, Oct. 2016), Luc Le Magoarou (Rennes, Dec. 2016), Chen Da (Paris, Dec. 2016).